Terrorist is a word of destruction and a enemy of modern day political correctness. In the years before 2001 the word terrorist was meant as  way of governing over somebody or resisting governments and a way of using fear and violence as a way of reaching a objective. Now after 911, the 711 attacks, the July 7th London bombings, the Moscow theater hostage crisis, and the 2015 Paris attacks the word terrorist means as somebody who uses violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political and or religious aims. The word terrorist also has seen a substantial number of attacks from the left and their “politically correct nature.” The meaning of the word terrorist has changed majorly in the last 50 years.

Before the September 11th attacks made the words terrorist and terrorism household name terrorism was viewed as armed civilians causing chaos in already unstable areas of conflict for extremist gain as seen in the Munich hostage crisis and the Dawson’s field hijackings. It was not until 1988 when Pan American world airways flight 103 was bombed over Scotland that terrorism was seen as a major threat to US interests. During the 1990’s majority of “terrorist” incidents were confined to domestic terrorist incidents such as the Oklahoma city bombing as well as the 1996 Olympic park bombings. The 1998 US embassy bombings and the attack on the USS Cole were signs of  Islamic terrorism becoming one of the biggest problems of the 21st century. All of the warning signs from the USS Cole bombing and the embassy attacks finally came to form when the worst terrorist attack in modern history hit the United Stated right in its heart, for ever changing the word terrorist.

The September 11th attacks forever changed the world that we live in as well as changing how we view the word terrorist. After the 911 attacks we began to use the word terrorist exclusively on incidents involving radical Islamist extremest such as the 2002 Moscow Theater hostage crisis, and the Boston Bombings in contrast to other incidents like the Virginia tech Massacre and the Sandy Hooke Massacre. Although almost all terrorist attacks these days are caused by Islamist extremist modern day Democrats hate to use words that would objectify Islam and its followers even with their proven track record. That is one of many reason of which i have lost almost all respect for the modern day democratic party (along with Senator Dianne Feinsteins Gun control quotes). Democrats and political correctness is tying our hand s behind our back when it comes to dealing with terrorism.

In early 2009 when one of Americas biggest mistakes entered office he promised to end the war on terror and to focus more on domestic security rather than international security. Along with Obama came a massive reintroduction of political correctness in which people purposely avoid using “language to exclude, marginalize or discriminate against a group of social disadvantaged group.” The word terrorist became a unfortunate victim of this word as did radical Islamic terror in which non of the top democrats today want to say. Terrorist has now been replaced with the phrase non-state violent actors as well as “freedom fighter”. The word terrorist and the public perception of that word has changed massively in the last 40 to 50 years.

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